Release: Nevadans Count launches website and mobilization campaign on Census Day - Institute for a Progressive Nevada
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Release: Nevadans Count launches website and mobilization campaign on Census Day

Release: Nevadans Count launches website and mobilization campaign on Census Day

Contact: Will Pregman,, 702.752.0656

Nevadans Count launches website and mobilization campaign on Census Day

Link to Census Day Ad

LAS VEGAS, NV – Today, each household in America has received their invitation to participate in the 2020 Census, signifying the decennial Census Day. Community groups and advocates comprising the Nevadans Count coalition are working to mobilize Nevada’s diverse communities to respond to the census and count each and every Nevadan. has gone live, creating a hub of information and resources on the importance of the census for Nevada, as well as links to the official response website. An accompanying digital ad campaign launched by the group aims to inform hard-to-count communities about the 2020 Census. 

Emily Persaud-Zamora, Executive Director of Silver State Voices and head of the Nevadans Count coalition, said: 
“Census Day marks the official invitation to all households to complete their response to the 2020 Census. I strongly encourage every family or individual in Nevada to get counted in the census this year because ten years worth of federal funding hinges on a full and accurate count. In these difficult times, it’s clearer than ever that Nevada can put every dollar available to good use supporting health care, food assistance, housing, and more for our communities statewide. You and your family can be counted today by visiting 2020census.govby phone, or by mailing back the questionnaire you may have received today.” 

Laura Martin, Executive Director of Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, said:
“Now more than ever it is important that everyone complete the 2020 Census to ensure funding for critical resources for all Nevadans. Our diverse community of tribal members, Black folks, and immigrants need to be counted, not counted out.” 

Annette Magnus, Executive Director of Institute for a Progressive Nevada, said:
“The results of the 2020 Census will be critical to providing working families in Nevada the support they need as our state recovers from the COVID-19 crisis. Counting each and every Nevadan is necessary to ensure we receive the maximum amount of support for the numerous federal programs we benefit from like Medicaid, SNAP, and more. Communities of color, immigrant communities, the LGBTQ+ community, and tribal communities all face risks of being undercounted, which is why we’re glad to support Nevadans Count in the effort get all Nevadans counted.”

André Wade, State Director of Silver State Equality, said:
“Because the U.S. Census determines state funding for all of these services and programs, it is crucial that the LGBTQ+ community receive adequate outreach and support in filling out the 2020 Census,” said André Wade, State Director, Silver State Equality, Nevada’s statewide LGBTQ+ civil rights organization. “Local advocates are working tirelessly, in spite of COVID-19, to make sure we do not repeat the historical pattern of having the LGBTQ+ community be undercounted.”

Vida Chan Lin, Asian Community Development Council (ACDC) President and Founder , said:
“The Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community is one of the fastest-growing demographics in Nevada and the entire United States, so it is critical that they are all counted in the 2020 census. There is a lot at stake as funding for things like schools, hospitals, and local community programs are more important now than ever. We need to make sure that the voice of the AAPI population is heard and that they are represented for the next ten years.” 

Alo Escobedo, 18, College Student, Make the Road Nevada Member, said: 
“I am a US Permanent Resident who migrated to the U.S in 2010 when the previous census occurred, I was young to understand it’s importance but now I see why we need to participate. As a college student I see the dire need to have more funding in our state in order to have access to vital programs and services. This can only happen if we are counted accurately. I will do my part to be counted and help clear any misinformation out there that might be confusing to my community ”



About Nevadans Count:
Nevadans Count is a coalition of community based organizations dedicated to ensuring that Nevadans, especially hard to count communities like people of color, immigrants, families with children under the age of five, are counted in the 2020 Census. Nevadans Count is committed to ensuring that all Nevadans are seen, counted, and heard in this once-a-decade opportunity by conducting outreach, advocacy, and education with hard to count communities and stakeholders throughout the state. 
