28 Sep Release: Grassroots Organizations Celebrate National Voter Registration Day
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 28, 2021
Contact: Melody Judilla, melody@silverstatevoices.org
Grassroots Organizations Celebrate National Voter Registration Day
LAS VEGAS, NV – Today, nonpartisan grassroots organizations and communities across Nevada celebrate democracy with National Voter Registration Day. The nonpartisan holiday, part of a national celebration, was created in 2012 to spread awareness about the importance of voting and participating in the democratic process.
Emily Persaud-Zamora, Executive Director of Silver State Voices, said:
“Today, we celebrate voter registration and building a culture of lifetime civic engagement. Ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, when many of Nevada’s elected officials will be on the ballot, we urge unregistered Nevada voters to register and for registered voters to ensure their information is up to date, namely their address, name, and party affiliation. From Clark County to Washoe County to online voter registration, our partner organizations are registering eligible Nevada voters, specifically engaging communities that have been historically underrepresented. These communities include Black, Indigenous, people of color, formerly incarcerated, low-income, rural, young voters, etc. It is critical that we meet community members where they are at, engaging in personal conversations and highlighting how voter registration affects us all.
Nevada has made great strides in voting rights and access to the polls in recent years. However, there is still so much left to do in order to build a Nevada where everyone has the access, knowledge, and the security to engage in the issues that affect their lives. For many communities, voter registration is one piece of making that vision a reality, and we celebrate National Voter Registration Day to honor this ideal.”
About Silver State Voices:
Silver State Voices is a nonpartisan coalition of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, dedicated to ensuring that underrepresented Nevadans are at the cornerstone of our democracy.